Hi, I'm Louie Bacaj.
I am a Software Engineer who turned Entrepreneur.
I used to manage many engineering teams. I also invest in real estate. I enjoy making money with bits and diversifying out into atoms.
I write. And I teach other introverts, like myself, to get started with newsletters and sharing online.
And I love building things. I've built software, tools, info products, and games.
That's me in a few sentences, but if you want to know more, you can read the longer version here.
I've been a guest on:
A few recent essays I've written:
Become Bronze, Become Tough
The M&Ms Newsletter: 147th Edition
How becoming multi-disciplinary can make you a better thinker and lead to more success in life.
Read MoreTwo Years In The Arena
The M&Ms Newsletter: 119th Edition
Lessons from my two year anniversary since quitting the big company job, walking away from a huge guaranteed salary, to become an entrepreneur.
Read MoreHow to Find Ideas to Build
The M&Ms Newsletter: 144th Edition
A formula for finding ideas to build out. This is what I did to make my first few dollars online on my own and what I saw many others do too.
Read MoreThe Original "PDF Hustler"
Small Bets Newsletter
How writing an annual almanack led to Benjamin Franklin's fortune, and the freedom to pursue a multi-disciplinary life.
Read More